Troop 1113 is a boy-led troop that is mentored and supervised by adult volunteer leaders. Parents are a very integral part of our troop program. It is through their participation as Troop Committee members that we can provide a safe, interesting and varied program.
Boys ages 11 - 17 are invited to join our troop.
The primary goal of our Troop is to have fun while learning useful skills, information, and principles.
We do campouts, as well as long-term summer camp and winter camp programs. We participate in Scout Fair, Camporees, Junior Leader Training, Merit Badge Fairs, First Aid Meets, and many other District and Troop sponsored events!
We try to allow and encourage the boys in our Troop to have as much control as possible over their meetings and their activities. We encourage all parents or guardians to take an active role within the Troop as well. We can accomplish our goals only with the help of all who are involved. Everyone has something or some way in which they can contribute.